Monday, November 29, 2010


  • Official language of Greece: Greek
  • Language spoken at home: Greek and/or English
  • Language spoken at school: In Greek schools, the language is primarily English but many also have a Greek class. If a child attends public school, the majority of Greek Americans will also attend an after-school Greek class for an hour.  In this class, only Greek is spoken.

(n.d.). (2009). Greek alphabet. [Photograph].
            Retrieved from 

Translation of a Few Key Phrases
geiá sou - hello
sas efcharistó - thank you
pós boró na sas voithíso? - How can I help you?
Ti sas pligónei? - What is hurting you?
Níkaia gia na sas gno̱rísoume - Nice to meet you

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