Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Interview #1
Date/Time of Interview:
November 18th, 2010
Interview Location: New York University
Interviewee’s Initials: A.P.
Cultural Background/Nationality: Greek
Age (How old do you think the person is?): Late 40’s
Gender: Female
Occupation: Sculptor 

1.     What do you consider your culture/nationality? Were you born in the US? If not, how long have you lived here?

I was not born in US, I was born in Greece, but I have been here for 13 years. For the last 10 years I have been living half the year in Greece, and half in US. My nationality is Greek, but I consider my culture to be a universal mix of different cultures because of art, music etc.  I absorb different cultures as part of my own. If I had to pick one I would say I identify mainly with Greek culture, but I do not believe in having limits to my culture.  

2.     What languages do you and your family speak?

My family can speak English well, but to each other we converse in Greek.

3.     What aspect of your culture gives you a particular sense of pride or do you enjoy most?

I have a sense of pride in the philosophical aspect of Greek culture. Ancient Greek philosophers are a sense of pride for all Greeks. Americans are much more practical, while famous Greek philosophers contribute to everyday life in Greece.
4.     Do you feel there are misconceptions that people have about your nationality? Do you find any to be particularly troublesome?

I do not really feel that there are any misconceptions and if there are they have not presented an obstacle in my life. Some stereotypes are that Greek’s drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. In Greece a restaurant owner will give you a free shot of “raki” an alcoholic beverage to help your digestion.

5.     What is your favorite holiday? How do you celebrate it?

My favorite holiday is Easter.  In Greece it is connected to outdoor activities it is the biggest celebration we have, which ties back into philosophy because we celebrate the inconceivable and the impractical.

6.     What is your impression of healthcare services in the U.S. or in your environment?

In public hospitals in Greece healthcare is free and accessible to everyone, even without insurance. If an emergency happens hospitals are required to treat the patient. Hospitals in Greece open every night- if a small city only one hospital opens at night, only the one that’s for emergencies. 
A flaw in the Greek system is that you need to wait; you need to make an appointment a month in advance.  In the United States healthcare services are dramatically more expensive then Greek healthcare.  However healthcare is more immediately available for non-emergency situations.

7.     Have you ever been treated especially well or especially poorly by a healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, etc)?

I have no complaints about healthcare in the United States but have rarely had to go to the Doctor here; I do most of my Doctor’s appointments in Greece.

8.     Why do you think people get sick or become disabled? Why do you think some people get better and others do not? Do you feel your thoughts on this are consistent with traditional beliefs within your culture? How so or if not, in what way are they different?

Disabilities are not caused by G-d punishing people, accidents happen and can result in disabilities, or through work related incidents. How sick a person is depends on their environment, for example the water in Greece is much cleaner than the water in Africa, clean drinking water is crucial to a healthy environment. In a very extreme situation, at the end of illness it is natural for a person to turn to faith, believe that faith helps people who are ill but I do not necessarily believe that is because of G-d, I believe it is their own positive thoughts that aid in their recovery.

9.     If you had a serious illness or a disability that took a very long time to recover from or adjust to, and involved rehabilitative treatment, how would you and your family deal with this?

The family unit is very strong in Greece and would be very supportive in the case of disability or illness. In Greece if a women goes to jail and has baby she will go to jail with baby to take care of it. This demonstrates how strongly Greek culture emphasizes the importance of family.

10.  If you were hospitalized, are there cultural practices or behaviors that you and your family would want to adhere to and that you would want the staff to understand? Can you explain what those are?

When hospitalized for surgery a parent might want to spend the night, In the United States not allowed in US to do that. In Greece my father had a triple bypass and I was allowed to stay the night. In Greece there are churches inside the hospital, and people are allowed to stay in hospitals longer, while in the United States their stay would be restricted due to health insurance.  I would want healthcare staff to keep the differences between the United States and Greece in perspective and to understand the importance of my having family members with me throughout my rehabilitation.
11.  One aspect of our work might involve helping people re-learn how to do very personal things, like dress themselves after an injury. How would you feel if a therapist in a hospital asked you to do this in a therapy room? Do you think this would be a common reaction for people from your nationality? What would you suggest a therapist do to make you feel more comfortable?

I would feel more comfortable if for activities such as toileting and dressing I was helped by a female therapist. It would be important for my occupational therapist to be profession and private, and to try to establish a personal connection with me so I would not feel I was relying on a stranger.

12.  Is there anything else you want to tell me about your beliefs in health, healthcare and disability?

Healthcare in small towns faces the problem of insufficient education. Some traditions are beneficial but others are not. It would be ideal to have an educational session for small towns to educate on which traditional methods of healthcare are beneficial. An example of a traditional treatment is for strep throat to gargle with water mixed with lemon and salt.

Interview #2

 Date/Time of Interview: November 18, 2010/ 
 Interview Location: Queens College, Flushing, New York
 Interviewee’s Initials:  KH
 Interviewers’ Names: Shaina Giller, Elizabeth Fersht, and Jessica Lebovitz
 Cultural Background/Nationality: Greek American
 Age: 30
 Gender: Female
 Occupation: Sociology Professor in Queens College

1.   What do you consider your culture/nationality? Were you born in the US? If not, how long have you lived here?
K.H considers herself Greek American; she was born in the US.

 2.  What languages do you and your family speak?
At home she speaks Greek and English.

3.  What aspect of your culture gives you a particular sense of pride or do you enjoy most?
      The many accomplishements of Greeks bring pride.  The whole world acknowledges that Greece was  the birthplace of philiosophy, democracy, and drama.        

4.  Do you feel there are misconceptions that people have about your nationality? Do you find any to be particularly troublesome?Greeks are not stigmatized like other cultures. However, there is a big stereotype that Greeks are diner owners.

5.  What is your favorite holiday? How do you celebrate it?Christmas. K.H gathers with her whole family, which doesn’t happen very often. 

6.  What is your impression of healthcare services in the U.S. or in your environment?Many Greek Americans do not have health insurance, because they are business owners like diner owners. So the wives get jobs that have insurance. People pay out of pocket for family coverage.

7.  Have you ever been treated especially well or especially poorly by a healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, etc)?K.H. has been treated well because she has health insurance.

8.  Why do you think people get sick or become disabled? Why do you think some people get better and others do not? Do you feel your thoughts on this are consistent with traditional beliefs within your culture? How so or if not, in what way are they different?Money, people with insurance will take advantage of it and go to the Dr. if they need. Greeks have a decreased rate of illness, mental illness, and others. Greeks try to cater to their health needs, especially for their children.

9.  If you had a serious illness or a disability that took a very long time to recover from or adjust to, and involved rehabilitative treatment, how would you and your family deal with this?K.H.’s parents would do anything for her and her sister. They would empty their bank accounts to help their children. Her parents view their children as a priority. Her parents would fully support her in rehab. They would be involved in rehab and treatments.  

10.  If you were hospitalized, are there cultural practices or behaviors that you and your family would want to adhere to and that you would want the staff to understand? Can you explain what those are?
Nothing too specific, just that they are supposed to take the Doctor’s advice and go with it.

11.  One aspect of our work might involve helping people re-learn how to do very personal things, like dress themselves after an injury. How would you feel if a therapist in a hospital asked you to do this in a therapy room? Do you think this would be a common reaction for people from your nationality? What would you suggest a therapist do to make you feel more comfortable?K.H. would just want the O.T to act professionally, otherwise she has no objection. Most Greeks would be okay with it. K.H. would want her O.T to make her think that she can get better. She would want her O.T to giver her drive and motivation. She wants a sense of hope and support, which is really key.

12.  Is there anything else you want to tell me about your beliefs in health, healthcare and disability?
K.H. believes that in a perfect world everyone should have health insurance; it is unfair that some people do not have health insurance. Something could be done. Immigrants in particular experience the most discrimination. 

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